Reading time: 6 minutes
Food is an essential part of staying healthy, but it is not always clear what type of food or how much of each type of food we should be eating. In this respect, the food pyramid is a very effective tool, which makes it easy to see how food consumption should be structured over the course of a day.
The pyramid can be used to encourage healthy eating patterns, and to prevent the development of certain diseases. It can vary depending on age, so we recommend you read our article on healthy eating for children for more information.
In this article, we are going to talk about why the food pyramid is important, and explain how it works. When you finish reading you will have a much clearer idea of which foods you should include in your daily diet.
What is the food pyramid?
According to the Francisco de Vitoria University, the food pyramid is a guide that serves to promote physical activity and healthy eating. It is a graphic representation, in the form of a pyramid, which illustrates the importance of eating certain foods, and shows us what we should eat to stay healthy.
The food pyramid is used as a guide all over the world to show people which foods they should include in their diet. In the pyramid, foods are divided into groups at different levels according to their importance, starting from a base level that contains the foods that we should be eating frequently and in the greatest quantity.
The best-known version of the food pyramid is the one published by the United States Department of Agriculture in the early 1990s. However, since then, different versions have been developed, either of the pyramid or of other figures.
What is the purpose of the food pyramid?
The purpose of the food pyramid is to make the subject of nutrition and healthy eating more accessible to the majority of the population, which is precisely why everything is shown using the clearest possible graphics. It makes it easy to understand the importance of a balanced diet, and allows us to better plan the preparation of our meals.
The food pyramid is usually promoted by government agencies. From a public health point of view, it can help to prevent some problems such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and other diseases that are caused by poor diet.
Not only does this have a positive impact on people's well-being, but it also helps to reduce the economic burden on public health systems caused by these aforementioned diseases.
In other words, the food pyramid is a preventive tool, as it encourages a balanced diet that helps to prevent health problems.
Who determines how the food pyramid is organized?
How the food pyramid is organized depends on the governmental institutions of each country, but generally there are only slight differences with respect to the one designed by the United States Department of Agriculture.
Every country has an institution responsible for this, so it is not unusual that there are variations between the food pyramid of one country and another. It all depends on the approach taken and, of course, on the medical and scientific references consulted during its elaboration.
The World Health Organization can also serve as a reference for the structure of the food pyramid, as they are continuously carrying out studies on healthy eating. They also provide recommendations on healthy eating habits for people to stay in good health.

What is the structure of the food pyramid?
As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, the food pyramid is made up of different levels that are arranged in a hierarchical order, that is, according to their importance.
The most important level is the base and this represents the foods that should be consumed in greater quantities and more frequently, namely complex carbohydrates, among which rice, pasta and cereals are key players. These are included in the base level because they are the foods that provide the body with energy, in addition to being an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.
In some cases, as is the case with the healthy eating pyramid designed by the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition (SENC), at the base of the pyramid we can also find some recommendations on other healthy habits, such as how much water to drink or how much exercise we should do every day.
After this we have a second level, which is made up of mainly fruits and vegetables. These foods should be eaten 3 to 4 times a day, due to their high concentration of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Up to the second level, all these foods are recommended as part of our daily meals. However, for the following levels, we need to be more careful with how we consume these foods.
The third level of the food pyramid includes some proteins, mainly dairy products, eggs, white meats, legumes and nuts. Ideally, these foods should be consumed in moderation and alternated, as excessive consumption can lead to nutritional imbalances.
In the last two levels, we can find the products that should only be eaten occasionally and that are optional, depending on the dietary preferences of each person. Some of these foods can be used to prepare healthy meals, but they should always be consumed in moderation.
Among these foods are red meat, some processed foods and sausages, as well as oils, fats and sugars. These foods should only be eaten in small portions and are not recommended for everyday consumption.
The benefits of using the food pyramid as a guide
According to UAB Medicine, the food pyramid or its US replacement, known as MyPlate, can make a big difference in people's lives. Its benefits include:
- Helping to regulate weight.
- Lowering the risk of suffering from certain diseases.
- Maintaining people's general well-being.
Good health
The food pyramid is an excellent guide for staying in good health. Especially because it ensures that different food groups are included in our diet and that all the nutrients the body needs to be healthy are ingested.
If you feel like you are still a little bit in the dark when it comes to healthy eating, in addition to reading our post on the subject, all you need to do is review the food pyramid. It not only includes all the food groups that should be included in our diet, but also highlights the amounts and how often we should be eating certain foods.

Healthy eating habits
A further benefit of the food pyramid is that it helps to promote healthy eating habits. Using it as a model, it is a good way to ensure a balanced diet that lasts over time.
As we get used to eating balanced portions of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and dairy, we establish a routine that encourages the intake of essential nutrients and the reduction of less healthy foods. It also helps to create a positive relationship with food, and to break away from unhealthy eating patterns that can affect our well-being.
A reduction in diet-related diseases
In relation to the two points mentioned earlier, it is worth noting that by following this dietary guide the risk of suffering from certain types of diseases such as obesity, diabetes and some cardiovascular diseases can be reduced.
Remember that by regulating the quantities we consume and carefully selecting the foods we eat; we can avoid a caloric surplus. As a result, we can control our body weight, but at the same time make sure we are providing our bodies with all the necessary nutrients to stay healthy.
A key recommendation of the food pyramid is to minimize the intake of unhealthy foods containing added sugars, saturated fats and sodium, which are linked to weight gain and health problems.
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Is there just one version of the food pyramid?
According to the Harvard School of Public Health, although the food pyramid primarily consists of foods, it also includes other additional components that help us to lead a healthy lifestyle. Different recommendations are incorporated into the pyramid such as exercise and the use of supplements or multivitamins as part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
There is no single version of the food pyramid, as health organizations and health experts may have different approaches in different countries.
In some cases, the pyramid is also tailored to the dietary needs of a certain group of people, such as the food pyramid designed by the Loma Linda University School of Public Health, which is designed to meet the nutritional needs of vegetarians.
- https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/healthy-eating-pyramid/
- https://www.nutricioncomunitaria.org/es/
- https://www.ufv.es/cetys/blog/piramide-de-la-dieta-equilibrada/
- https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/healthy_eating/index.html
- https://www.uabmedicine.org/news/myplate-healthy-eating-chart-replaced-the-food-pyramid/
- https://www.vegetariannutrition.org/6icvn/food-pyramid.pdf